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Full guide for user
Updated over 3 weeks ago


As the digital workplace continues to evolve, it has transformed from a static collection of information and apps into a dynamic place where communication, collaboration, and information come together. We want to make sure your digital experience is smooth and seamless, to boost your productivity and enhance collaboration.

If you have any questions after reading this user guide, take a look at the FAQ and Quick start guide.

How to sign in to Workspace 365

Single Sign-On makes it possible to reach the application you need for work with, just one click and without having to log in separately for each application.

To sign in to your digital workplace:

  1. Go to your Workspace URL provided by the IT-Partner, for example:

  2. Log in with the Microsoft 365 login information (or the information you have received by email).

  3. Tip: Bookmark Workspace 365 in your browser or set it as your default homepage for easy access. You can also access Workspace from your mobile device.

By opening the workspace, you will instantly have an overview of your workday. Here's an example:

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Experience seamless navigation

Through the navigation menu on the left side of you digital workplace, you can easily navigate from top to bottom and left to right. It has several benefits:

  • A consistent and intuitive user interface. Visible and accessible sidebar, quick and easy navigation, that promotes efficiency and simplicity.

  • A clean and focused user interface.


From the navigation menu on the left side, you can access your "Spaces". In the image above, below the Personal space, are the Shared spaces 'News', 'Intranat' and 'Marketplace'. But wat is the difference between these spaces anyway?

Spaces give Workspace 365 a high level of adaptability and are meant to bring more structure to the workspace. You can switch between your Personal space and Shared space(s), keeping your personal apps separate from the rest of the organisation.


Personal space

  • This is by default the landing page of workspace.

  • You are allowed to change (personalize) your own Personal space.

    • This means that you can create your own Personal tile groups and add or remove applications (as long as you have the appropriate permissions to do so).

Shared spaces

  • Spaces spaces are created by the Workspace admin.

  • Shared spaces are meant for different teams/departments and purposes.

  • You cannot change or personalize a Shared space.

Add your favorite sites or applications

Discover integrations that make Workspace 365 even better and combine all your applications and technologies together in one digital adaptive workplace.

If your organization allows it, you can select one or multiple apps and add them to you Personal workspace. You can also create your own tiles, like shortcuts to your favorite websites, news feeds and more.

Adding apps or creating tiles can be done in two ways:

  • Click on Edit and then + Add tiles.

  • Click on the waffle icon from the navigation menu on the left.

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When editing your digital workplace, you can:

  • Move apps or tiles to other Personal tile groups by clicking and dragging it to a different position.

  • Change the name of Personal tile group by clicking on the title.

  • Move a Personal tile group by clicking on the title (or the two horizontal stripes on the upper right corner) and dragging it to a different position.

  • Change (edit) the format or size of apps and tiles by right-clicking on it.

  • Remove an app from your workspace by right-clicking it and select "Delete from workspace".

Create or hide tile groups

To manage tile groups in your workspace, click on the Edit button and then select Groups.

You can now:

  • Add new Personal tile groups to your workspace and add tiles to it.

  • Select which tile groups you want to display in your workspace, just like you can hide certain groups that you don't want to be displayed in your Personal space.

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All your documents, neatly in one place

With the Documents app of Workspace 365, you can bring all documents together in one adaptive digital workplace, working online or offline from any device. This allows you to create, search, edit and share documents from a mobile, tablet or desktop. It combines and brings structure to Office 365, the file server, OneDrive and SharePoint.

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My documents

As you can tell by the name, are your personal (work) files that don't necessarily need to be shared with your colleagues.

Shared folders

Below 'My Documents' you will see the shared folders, meant for collaboration with others and accessible for the people who have the rights to access these particular folders and files. If you have access to a lot of folders from other departments, which you never need or use anyway, you have the option to hide folders.

Documents live tile

Next to the Documents app, you can add the Documents live tile to your workspace to get quick access to your:

  • Recent opened documents;

  • Recent modified documents;

  • Bookmarks.


Access your Email

We have created our own Email app. You can access your email from the navigation menu on the left side. ​

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Email live tile

It's also possible to add the Email live tile to your workspace, and access your mailbox from there. This tile gives you a quick overview of read and/or unread email. You can easily compose new emails from the live tile by clicking the plus icon.


Outlook Web App (OWA)

If you don't want to use the Workspace Email app, simply right-click the tile and set the default email client to "OWA". However, from the Workspace 365 mailbox it's easier to save or send files as an attachment, because of the integration with SharePoint (Documents app).

The Hub

Stay up to date on important news, enhance collaboration, improve your productivity, and access effortlessly all the information you need in one convenient location. A dedicated page for The Hub unlocks a more efficient (streamlined) and connected work experience. The Hub consists of Announcements, Knowledge articles and Events.

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  • Dynamic information

  • Could be about the opening of a new office location, a promotion or retirement of a colleague, IT related news about the digital workspace, etc.

  • Static and long-term information

  • Documents that provide important information regarding the company, so for example an employee guide, a how-to for the coffee machine, what the policy is regarding calling in sick, etc.

  • For example webinars, training sessions, your annual staff outing, an online workshop, etc.

  • You can link events to your Outlook calendar.

Get in touch with colleagues

From the Address book or Address book live tile, you can instantly search through all your contacts. You can search for names, job titles, email address, departments, skills and expertise, interests, and more. You can get in touch with them by starting a (video)call, chat or send them an e-mail straight from your workspace.

You can access the Address book from the navigation menu on the left side of your workspace.


Keep track of your meetings and appointments

You can access your calendar from the global navigation menu on the left side. From there, you can easily get insight in your upcoming appointments, create new appointments and join meetings and more, straight from your digital workplace. It's also possible to add the calendar live tile to your workplace.

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Get notified via the Activity Feed

The Activity Feed has been given a prominent position in the adaptive digital workplace, which allows you to concentrate on the essential content without distractions, based on your personal needs. By keeping the Activity Feed consistently visible, you can quickly access important news and notifications.

You can receive notifications about access to applications, upcoming calendar appointments (with the possibility to participate immediately), news items, receive notifications from third-party applications, making the possibilities of activities in the Activity Feed endless.

Personalize your feed

The Activity Feed is a component that allows you to focus on your work and you can filter activities and notifications to your personal needs, by clicking the cogwheel icon.


Search through your entire workspace with Global Search

The Global Search is one of our most frequently used and highly valued features. Being able to find the information and applications you need in a simple and quick way, prevents frustrations and it will save you time. This is why our Global Search feature is the beating heart of your adaptive digital workplace.​


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