Learn more about the prerequisites and download instructions to create a new Workspace environment.
Click here to download the tool
Password: KikBMRAJ!4&e9e7P3cFf4gY5dgGrEGe#
Keep the tool and the related files in a separate folder. Ensure that this folder does not contain any files related to other tools we offer otherwise the tool may look at a wrong config file and will not work.
Version 3.0.1 (Feb 2025)
We now only provide the Powershell script in our download
Version 3.0.0 (Jan 2025)
Combined the Create and Delete environment script
Added the option to activate or deactivate an environment.
Added the Place.Read.All API permission to the Microsoft Graph permissions.
Both the .exe and .ps1 have been added to the download.
Version 2.4.5 (February, 2024)
Added optional claim "UPN" to the SSO app registration configuration
Version 2.4.4 (July, 2023)
Added the Tasks.ReadWrite API permission to the Microsoft Graph permissions
Added the Workspace.Read.All API permission to the Power BI permissions
Removed the Dataset.ReadWrite.All API permission from the PowerBI permissions
Version 2.4.3 (May, 2023)
Error messages now include references to support articles that may provide a solution
We no longer require the Global Admin to have a valid Exchange license to create a Workspace 365 environment, but it is still required to request emergency access.
Version 2.4.2 (October, 2022)
Updated the API calls to be valid for future Workspace 365 versions
Version 2.4.1 (June 2022)
Added version to title bar
Updated the value for the authority. We used to select the first available domain, now we select the primary (default) domain:
Version 2.4 (April, 2022)
UPN is used instead of smtp address
Version 2.3 (March, 2022)
Removed enableIdTokenIssuance on Azure App Registration
Version 2.2 (January, 2022)
Fixed: auto provisioning SharePoint
Updated: added Power BI permission