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Troubleshooting & FAQ
Troubleshoot issues and get quick answers to frequently asked questions.
28 articles
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Get answer to most frequently questions for administrators and users.
FAQ for admins
FAQ for users
FAQ - Workspace 365 V4
Troubleshoot problems signing in to Workspace 365.
Reset SSO
Request Emergency Admin Access
"Something went wrong. 403: You are not authorized to access this page"
AADSTS50011: The redirect URI ("Sorry, but we're having trouble signing you in")
"Unfortunately, the authority server denied access to the workspace"
"The state received from the authority server is invalid"
"Sorry, we weren't able to retrieve an OAuth token from the authority server"
Integrations stop working ("Failed to acquire token silently")
Create Workspace 365 environment
Fix errors returned by PowerShell during the creation of a new Workspace environment.
Create new environment errors & solutions
User provisioning & Management
Troubleshoot user management, SCIM and the Azure AD synctool.
Troubleshooting SCIM
Troubleshooting user management
Troubleshooting the Azure AD synctool
Workspace 365 integrations
Troubleshoot the Documents app, CRDP, Local app launcher, Email...
Troubleshooting AFAS
Troubleshooting Azure Virtual Desktop
Troubleshooting Citrix
Troubleshooting Clientless RDP
Troubleshooting Egnyte
Troubleshooting email
Troubleshooting the file server (WebDAV SSL)
Troubleshooting the Local App Launcher
Troubleshooting Magister
Troubleshooting Power BI
Troubleshooting SharePoint