Quick reference:
Settings -> App store
The gateway and the application connections are configured, now you can add the Clientless RDP applications to the App Store.
Add a Clientless RDP app to the App Store
Go to the App store.
Select Manage apps.
Click Add new app.
Click Add on the Clientless RDP app to start the configuration.
Configure the Clientless RDP app:
Color: set the color of the tile
App name: set the name of the app as it will be displayed in the App Store and in the workspace
Gateway: select the Clientless RDP gateway you configured earlier
Connection: select the corresponding connection to the app you configured earlier
Destination: choose whether to open the app in a new window or a new popup window
Who has access: by default everyone has access to the tile, you can uncheck this and add specific groups and/or users if desired
Owners: make specific groups and/or users Owner of the app, if desired
Conditional access: set conditional access rules, if desired
Once you have finished the app configuration, click Save.
The app is now added to the App Store and can be added to the workspace. Next up is configuring the credentials for users to connect to the remote app.
Proceed to step 5.