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Discover the power of apps and API that Workspace 365 has to offer.
62 articles
Provisioning API script
An introduction to API
Workspace 365 API (environment)
Provisioning API example: Change SSO settings in Workspace 365
Workspace API example: Activity Feed and email notifications
Workspace API example: Activity Feed and TOPdesk notifications
Workspace API example: SharePoint newsfeed in announcements
Narrow Casting (API)Use the Announcements and Events listing API to feed Narrow Casting form the HUB
Clientless RDP v1.5 - Requirements & Release Notes
How to start with Clientless RDP
Step 1. Create a ServiceAccount in Clientless RDP Gateway
Step 2. Configure Clientless RDP gateway
Step 3. Configure Clientless RDP Connections
Step 4. Add Clientless RDP connection to apps management
Step 5. Clientless RDP user credentials
Clientless RDP whitelisting
Update Clientless RDP SSL Certificate